civalogo.gif (7243 bytes)

FAI International Aerobatics Commission

banner.gif (14567 bytes)

NEWS FLASH cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
President's page cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
FAI Sporting Code & CIVA Regulations cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
FAI Aerobatic Catalogue cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
List of Delegates cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
List of FAI Aerobatic Judges cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
CIVA Meeting Minutes cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
CIVA meeting information cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
Known (Q) Sequences cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
Other Aerobatic Associations cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
Championships Calendar cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
Trophies & Awards cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
FAI cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)
FAI Air Sports International Magazine cursoroff.jpg (530 bytes)




Excuse me for the delay,

Here we have the CIVA logo enlarged slightly.

I reduced the number of buton's to the desired number and edited their titles. Unfortunately I was unable to make the background color of the cell (button) to change when mouse hovers. I put a small image at left, the little plane which shows when the mouse hovered the buton. The "mouseover" operator treats only images. I could make the buttons out of images but we should have 28 more images one for "ON", and one for "OFF" mode for every button (of 14)

The way I made the mouse hovers requires only 2 small images to be downloaded.

I suggest to put the side navigation bar in every single page of the site.

The current page link maybe presented with different color, the way "news flash" is presented here.

Please tell me how does it look on your computer and what kind of browser you have. What's the type of your monitor?
